Friday, August 21, 2015

What are you Thankful for???

November is the time of year when we are supposed to take a moment to be thankful for what we have.  Don't you think it is kind of funny that this implies that we only take time to give thanks in November during the holiday.  

Lately it seems that everyday at work is very stressful. My every thought is centered around when can I retire. You know how it is. On Monday you start thinking about the weekend and then on Sunday you start dreading the new week. We complain that we don't have enough money for all the things we want. It seems that everything is a hassle, from bad traffic to high prices. So we just complain and complain. Somewhere in all of life's craziness we have forgotten to be thankful for what we have. 

Maybe we should be thankful for having that job that makes us crazy and looking forward to retirement. Thankful for the car that requires that high priced gas. Thankful for our home, family and friends. Maybe we should take a moment to remember what being thankful means.

As hard as your life seems, there is always someone who's life is worse. So take a moment to be thankful for the things we take for granted everyday.


Embrace the Day!

Sometimes we need to think of ourselves first. What is it that you need to do to get to your happy place? As women we tend to focus on everyone else's needs and just let our own fall by the side. We need to learn that it's ok to not only think about what you want but to actively pursue what you want. Now is the time to finally take what you need.

I was divorced when my kids were very young.  So, they became my first priority. In everything I did, they were always first and foremost in my mind.  Now that my girls are adults I can look back and see that I planned very little me time.  My life has been truly blessed.  My daughters have grown into beautiful confident women, we are friends and do things together. I have also learned to do things just for me. Whether that is a manicure, pedicure or taking trips with friends.  I realized now that I did not have to wait for my kids to grow up, I could have been enjoying me time all along.

So remember take what you need now and be a happier healthier you. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us so make plans to enjoy your life's journey.
